Anza – Cross legged sitting posture
Ashi Sabaki – Foot movement, can also mean leg and foot movement
Chudan – Middle (area from neck to belly button)
Dojo – “The way hall”, the karate practice area
Gedan – Lower (area from belly button to knees)
Gi – The Karate uniform, also called “do gi”
Hiza – Knee, “take a knee” used for children; actual command is ashi orishiku.
Jisen Dachi – Contact sparring stance
Jisen Kumite – Contact sparring, “actual combat sparring”
Jodan Tsuki, Chudan Tsuki, Gedan Tsuki: High punch, middle punch, low punch
Jodan Uke – Chudan Uke, Gedan Uke: High block, middle block, low block
Jodan – Upper (area from top of head to neck)
Kamaete – Assume the posture, a command
Kata/Gata – “Mold”, as in forming from clay, term used for formal karate training forms
Kiai – “Energy release”, the name of the karate sound made when striking
Kihon – Basic
Kiotsuke – Energy all together, a command for the class to stand at attention as a unit
Kumite – “Touching hands”, sparring
Mae Geri, Yoko Geri, Mawashi Geri, Ushiro Geri – Front kick, side kick, round kick, back kick.
Naihanchi Dachi – The stance used in the ancient Nahanchi Kata
Naihanchi – Ancient Okinawan Kata, obscure meaning, likely meaning is “gripping the ground as an animal” from an ancient Okinawa Hogen dialect.
Obi – Belt
Rei – Courtesy, bow
Ryukyukan – “Dragon Ball House” , Ryukyu’s are the islands of Okinawa, kan is house
Seiken – “knuckle weapon”, Basic fist formed to strike with the knuckles
Seiken – Basic karate fist, striking with first two knuckles
Seiza – Sitting posture, both knees on floor, sitting on heels
Sensei – Teacher
Shikodachi – “Four corner stance” rectangle stance
Shorinryu – Okinawan term for original Karate, also pronounced Kobayashi in Japanese
Shuto – Sword hand
Suri Ashi – “Gliding feet”, gliding the toes and ball of foot on the ground
Te – Hand
Yame – Stop
Yoi – Ready position
Yori Ashi – Slide stepping, shuffle stepping; lead foot moves first
One: Ichi, Two: Ni, Three: San, Four: Shi, Five: Go, Six, Roku, Seven: Shichi, Eight: Hachi, Nine: Kyu, Ten: Ju
Ashi Sabaki – Foot movement, a general term for movement of feet and legs.
Dachi Gata – Stances, usually referring to leg and foot position
Deshi – Student
Dohai – Deshi of the same rank
Gyaku – Reverse, rear hand or foot technique
Heiko Dachi – Parallel stance, feet shoulder width
Heisoku dachi – Closed foot stance
Hiki Ashi – Pulling foot back (Oi/Hiki; as the ocean tide moving onto land/receding back)
Hiki Te – Pulling hand back
Jisen Kumite – Contact sparring, “real combat” sparring, knockdown sparring
Jiyu Kumite – Free sparring, controlled contact
Kamae – Posture
Kata/Gata – Form; literally a mold to make an object of clay, used for sets of karate moves.
Keri Waza – Kicking technique
Kihon – Basic
Kizami – Snapping front hand or foot technique
Kohai – Junior student
Mae – Front, example: Mae Geri, front kick
Moto Dachi – Beginning sparring stance
Naihanchi Dachi – Stance used in Naihanchi Kata
Neko Ashi Dachi – Cat foot stance
Oi Ashi – Lunging step.
Onegaishimasu – Please, may I
Reishiki – “Constant courtesy practice”, etiquette
Seiretsu – Line up!
Senpai – Senior student, mentor
Shikodachi – Four point stance
Shinzen – The traditional shrine representing the ancestors, founders of karate
Shobu Kumite – One point sparring
Shomen – The front of the classroom
Shuto – Knife hand, little finger side of hand
Uchi Waza – Striking techniques
Uke Waza – Blocking techniques
Uraken – Inverted fist strike
Ushiro – Back, example: Ushiro Geri, backward kick
Waza – Technique
Yori Ashi – Slide step, shuffle step
Zenkutsu Dachi – Forward Stance
Arigato gozaimashita – Thank you very much
Ashi Sabaki – Foot movement, a general term for movement of feet and legs.
Dachi Gata – Stances, usually referring to leg and foot position
Deshi – Student
Dohai – Deshi of the same rank
First: Shodan, Second: Nidan, Third: Sandan, Fourth: Yondan, Fifth: Godan, Sixth: Rokudan, Seventh: Nanadan, Eighth: Hachidan, Ninth: Kyudan, Tenth: Judan